What is a lip flip?
The lip flip is the latest injectable trend that people are looking for.
The lip flip is the latest injectable trend that people are looking for.
The lip flip treatment is the latest injectable trend that people are looking for. It involves a few units of anti-wrinkle injection placed in specific areas around the lips to interact with the way that the muscles rest. The result is that your lips curl out a little bit more to enhance the appearance of a cupid’s bow and create upper lip border definition so that the lips look more defined.
It is a popular treatment for those who feel their lip “hides” when they smile or a popular first injectable treatment before considering a dermal filler.
The lip flip is fast becoming the latest beauty treatment available in Sydney. It involves injecting a few units of anti wrinkle placed strategically to around the lips and this affects the way the muscles around the area rest. The result is you have an attractive looking pucker and cupids bow to the shape of your lips..
For the lip flip, anti-wrinkle injections are administered above the lip line to roll the lip outwards slightly, which stops the lip in-furling and disappearing completely when you’re smiling. This, in turn, creates the illusion of bigger lips.
It is particularly successful for treating “gummy smile”, to avoid too much of the top gum showing when you smile or laugh.
Using 4 small injections into the skin above the top lip, at the cupids bow. This is usually a top lip treatment only and allows the top lip to rise slightly upwards in height (usually only by 1-2mm). You have a muscle around your lip which is used to contract the lip tightly inwards. For example used for pouting, sucking a straw, whistling- any of these inward motions.
The contracting muscle can be relaxed with injections, hence stopping the full force of the contraction inwards. The lip muscle becomes more relaxed and therefore allows the lip to lift slightly in height.
Most patients do not require any downtime and can resume their daily activities immediately after their lip flip treatment.
The full result lasts between 2 to 4 months (on average approx. 3 months). Patients who have had several injections often find the effect lasts longer.
Side effects are uncommon and rare.
The lip flip treatment is a muscle relaxing treatment and not a lip filler. Lip flips uses anti-wrinkle product. The use of anti-wrinkle injections to create a lip flip is slightly less invasive than using dermal filler and significantly less expensive per individual treatment. The result is also more subtle immediately following treatment. Lip flips require 2 weeks before full results are experienced while lip filler generally has immediate and more dramatic results.
Lip Flips involve using anti-wrinkle injections above the lip as opposed to fillers injected into the lip itself.
A Lip flip and lip filler treatment can be performed in the same treatment session.