PRP for Skin Rejuvenation
PRP involves taking 2 vials of blood from your arm like a blood test and placing it into a centrifuge to separate the blood
PRP involves taking 2 vials of blood from your arm like a blood test and placing it into a centrifuge to separate the blood
PRP involves taking 2 vials of blood from your arm like a blood test and placing it into a centrifuge to separate the blood components. Once the blood has been centrifuged, the platelet rich plasma is extracted leaving the Red and white blood cells behind in the vial. The Prp is then injected into areas of concern whether it be hair for hair follicle stimulation and growth or skin for collagen and elastin production.
PRP is injected using a tiny fine needle all over the face for skin rejuvenation and is then skin needled on top for even better results. Skin needling is the process of lightly puncturing the skin with tiny fine needles. The procedure itself takes around 30-40 min to perform and a numbing topical agent is used to reduce discomfort.
Immediately after the procedure there is some tenderness, minimal swelling and some redness which fades by the end of the day for most patients. Most patients experience skin tingling and tightness after their procedure which is a normal sensation with Prp skin rejuvenation.
The skin usually has a glow after a few days to weeks after the procedure and collagen and elastin production will be stimulated for the next 12-16 weeks. This means that fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation, acne scarring and skin texture and tone will improve with time as cell regrowth takes several weeks to months to occur. As a result the effects of prp skin rejuvenation can last longer than fillers which break down over time. With prp you are obtaining results by naturally regenerating your skin from within.
This is a natural procedure in which it relies on your blood quality so it is important to ensure that you are well hydrated and consume a balanced diet of leafy greens and vegetables to ensure blood quality is at its prime.
Preparing for your PRP treatment;
Aftercare post your PRP treatment;
How does your skin look and feel after your PRP treatment?